Community Nurseries

The aim of this project is to enhance biodiversity within the Upper Waitematā by providing plants for ecological and cultural planting projects in a manner that is sustainable and reduces hygiene hazards.
The ability to restore ecosystems and successfully reintroduce both flora and fauna to depleted habitats is dependent on access to a reliable supply of hundreds of genetically diverse plant species. This is a task that the commercial nursery sector struggles to meet given the dual pressures of land demands and competitive tendering for large scale restoration projects.
In the last 20 years, just as our understanding of the importance of robust local plant supply has awakened, many local commercial nurseries have closed their businesses as their land is developed for more profitable industry.
Adding to this challenge is the biosecurity risks associated with nurseries, as pathogens and invasive species can be spread from location to location with plant material and potting medium.
In response to this, and in a general effort to engage volunteers in cost saving activities, more and more local groups are seeking to grow their own plants from locally sourced genetic material.
This activity niche within the Upper Waitematā Ecology Network seeks to bring those community nurseries together to support each other to achieve better outcomes.
Known groups with nurseries:
A Rocha
Greenhithe Community Trust
Herald Island Environment Group
Kaipātiki Project
Living Whenuapai
Do you have a backyard nursery?
Would you like to start one or are you interested in being involved with one of our groups ‘nurseries ?
Get in touch with us, we value your help, and we can help you too