Coastal Clean Up
3월 23일 (토)
Join us for a day of action on the Upper Waitemata Harbour
시간 및 장소
2024년 3월 23일 오전 7:30 – 오후 2:30
Auckland, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632, New Zealand
이벤트 소개
Do you want to help us improve the Upper Harbour waterways? Be part of a day of action and make a positive difference for our native animals and improve habitats for our vulnerable species? This is the event for you. Come along and help us tackle the litter that is building up in the tidal areas as it washes down from streams and gets pushed up into the harbour from incoming tides. On Saturday 23rd March we have a day of events happening across the Upper Waitematā Harbour and you can get involved in any number of ways, depending on where you live, what you like doing and how much energy and enthusiasm you have. This is a totally FREE event.
From 8am to 11am we would love some keen volunteers to head out on their kayak from Greenhithe wharf to head up Lucas Creek to work in a buddy team to clear rubbish out from those places accessible at high tide. Given that this is not your typical trip out on a kayak we'll need you to be in a sea-worthy kayak, wearing a lifejacket and be a confident kayaker. We ask that you only have children aged 12 years old and over with you in the kayak. We will provide you with bags and gloves to collect the rubbish in.
For those who feel confident but don't have a kayak available we will have very limited spots in kayaks thanks to the amazing team at Auckland Sea Kayaks. Given the limited availability, you will need to have pre-booked a space using the links below and is only open to children aged 12 and older. Anyone aged under 16 must be accompanied in the kayak with an adult.
Then, from 11am the land based events will start happening with the opportunity for you to go out on foot from any one of 5 locations around the harbour. This going to be muddy, physical work in what can be treacherous areas, not your typical white sandy beaches. Whilst we love the energy and enthusiasm of children, given the work that needs to be done we ask that only children aged over 8 help us out on the coastal areas today. You will need to be physically able as there may be some scrambling, climbing and uneven ground to navigate. If that hasn't put you off then you can join us at 11am for a safety briefing and then everyone heads out to pick up litter at one of the following locations:
Waimarie Beach, Whenuapai
Christmas Beach, Herald Island
Greenhithe Wharf, Greenhithe
Hilders Park, Beach Haven
Paragon Avenue (Hellyers Creek Reserve) Beach Haven (please join us at Hilders Park for the BBQ)
We'll have the BBQ fired up at each of those locations from 1pm so just pop on down and say hi if you want to find out more about what we are doing and why. If you want to join the litter pick then please do join us as close to 11am as you can. We only have a limited number of resources and want to make sure everyone is working safely with at least 1 buddy.
Please register, even if you are coming along to help us out on foot as we need to have an idea of numbers and if we need to contact everyone for any reason then we can do. As this event is reliant on the tides (and so many other groups helping out) there will be no alternative date and we do plan to head out even if there is light rain. If the event is cancelled for any reason we will let people who have registered know and post on social media.
Thanks to our amazing partners and supporters without whom this event could not go ahead: Auckland Council, Auckland Sea Kayaks, Bunnings Westgate, Ecopod, Experiencing Marine Reserves, Friends of Shepherds Park, Greenhithe Community Trust, Greenhithe Ecology Network, Herald Island Environmental Group, Living Whenuapai, Mountains to Sea, The Clean Up Crew, Upper Harbour Local Board, Wai Connection.